Lonely Planet, the world’s most prestigious travel guide, was founded by Tony and Maureen Wheeler in 1973. after their trip to Asia. That same year they released their publication “Across Asia on the Cheap”. This was followed by new journeys and new publications, with the aim of transferring their experience to all those who are willing to travel. Except propensity to travel, they obviously have a sense for business, which is why Lonely Planet opened its office in Oakland (California) in 1984., launched its own magazine “Lonely Planet magazine” in 2014. and launched a mobile application “Guides” in 2017. which has already reached over one million downloads. It is this world authority on tourism topics, that recently published a “list of 10 most desirable European destination for year 2017.”, and how Jutarnji list states, as of 24th of May, Zagreb took on the first place on the that list. A nice compliment for our capital, but also to BACKO MINI EXPRESS, which Lonely Planet listed as an inevitable attraction of Zagreb, which tourists should definitely visit. Click here to read more about it.